We assist different participants in many real estate transactions: From the developers, the financers and the builders, to the sellers and the buyers; paying special attention to title, permits, labor issues, tax, etc.
We also advise many clients, individual and corporations, who have been dispossessed of land by the government for use in public housing estates.
We counsel Venezuelan building companies with regard to their real estate developments, in Venezuela and abroad: from the acquisition of land, joint ventures for development, corporate structures, contractual matters, and tax and investment advice. We also deal with construction and labor issues.
Regarding leasing, we assist some of our clients in the drafting, reviewing and negotiation of their rental contracts for offices and storage facilities. We also assist our clients regarding the very protective rental rules applicable to housing, which may create important complications to rental relationships.
As a firm with a strong litigation base, we also assist many clients in the courts, representing their interests in contentious real estate issues.
Our lawyers are renowned authors of a book and legal articles on real estate matters.